Next, you create a var called history that is just an empty list and then a var called droid that is an item. 接下来,创建一个名为history的var,它只是一个空列表,然后是名为droid的var,它是个项。
If so, we return zero because the sum of all members of an empty list is zero. 如果是,则返回零,因为一个空列表的所有成员的和为零。
A measure must have one aggregation with an empty list of dimensions, and any other aggregations must each have an explicit list of dimensions. 一个度量必须有一个维列表为空的聚合,其他聚合必须都具有明确的维列表。
If not, I create an empty list in which to store publication records. 如果没有,就创建一个空列表,在其中保存出版记录。
The first line says the sum of an empty list is0. 第一行说明空列表的和是0。
To empty the list, use Clear. 若要清空此列表,可使用Clear。
By default, an empty list would have been returned, which indicates no children. 缺省情况下,将返回一个空的列表,这表明没有子对象。
By default, it is an empty list. 在默认的情况下,它是一个空列表。
An empty list of IP filters is displayed. 显示空的IP筛选列表。
A user will never get an empty results list by clicking on a metadata condition. 在元数据条件上单击鼠标时,用户永远都不会获得空结果列表。
In this example, the empty list at the end means that you have constructed a well-formed ( proper) list. 在这个示例中,末尾的空列表意味着您构造了一个结构良好(合适)的列表。
If you call cons on nil, Lisp treats nil as an empty list and builds a list of one element. 如果对nil调用cons,Lisp将nil作为空列表对待,并构建一个含一个元素的列表。
Initially an empty list results as there are no mediation policies attached& you will need to create them before attaching them. 最开始列表为空,因为没有附加任何中介策略-需要先创建后附加。
Once you get the account, you should see an empty list of applications at the App Engine for Java site. 获得帐户之后,您应该可以在AppEngineforJava站点看到一个空的应用程序列表。
A failure to read a news feed in your example produces an empty list of news. 在这个示例中,如果读取新闻提要失败,那么会产生空的新闻列表。
If a variable is initialized with an empty initializer list, the object is value initialized. 如果用空的初始化器列表对变量进行初始化,对象为初始化值。
The aggregation for an empty list of dimensions is applied to all dimensions in the cube model that are not specifically being used by another aggregation. 维列表为空的聚合应用于多维数据集模型中没有被其他聚合使用的所有维。
If the element is empty, this list has no members. 如果是空元素,该列表中没有成员。
So, if you try to create a new list and set it to be the result of a call to one of these methods, you'll get an empty list. 因此,如果您尝试创建新列表,并将其设置为对这些方法之一调用所产生的结果,则会得到一个空列表。
An empty list is considered ascending. 空列表被认为是升序的。
You'll see an empty list of mediation handlers. 可以看到中介处理程序的空列表。
We start with an empty list, and we insert a0 if the first bit is1. 开始时序列为空,如果第1个比特是1,我们就插入一个0。
I set an empty instruction list for this MethodGen, which I'll later fill in with the actual timing code. 我为这个MethodGen设置一个空的指令清单,在后面我将用实际的计时代码填充它。
Omitting the constructor argument list and enclosing parentheses is equivalent to specifying an empty argument list. For a description of a function, click a function in the list, and then click Help on this function. 删除构造函数参数列表和圆括号相当于明确一个空的参数列表。有关某一函数的说明,请单击列表中的函数,然后单击此函数上的帮助。
If there is no such ancestor, it constructs an empty list. 如果没有这样的上级,则构造空列表。
It starts with an empty list, dist short for distances here, saying so far we haven't run any trials, we don't know what any of the distances are. 一开始它是一张空链表,这里的dist是distance的简写,意思是我们现在没有进行试验,我们不知道现在的距离是多少。
The call operator is a pair of parentheses that encloses a ( possibly empty) list of arguments that we pass to the function. 调用操作符是一对圆括号,括住传递给函数的实参列表(可能为空)。
A list containing all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, an empty list. 如果找到,则为一个list,其中包含与指定谓词所定义的条件相匹配的所有元素;否则为一个空list。
Empty or missing list of files to be aligned. No files will be aligned. 要对齐文件列表为空或丢失。没有文件可对齐。
NET music player, you can add music hit, empty the list of players set up the order, on the song, under the basic functions, such as a. NET写的音乐播放器,可以添加曲目击,清空列表,播放顺序设置,上一曲、下一曲等基本功能。